If any of you are still interested in going to Give Your Heart Away on Feb. 15-17 in Hickory, there is still time! The deadline for registration was this past Friday, but there is a possibility of adding some last minute names, so let me know ASAP. It's a wonderful weekend of Christian service, fellowship with other Catholic students from across the Diocese, prayer and growth. We'll be leaving campus after classes on Friday and coming back around lunch time on Sunday. Get more information at:
Got questions? We've got answers! If you have questions about the Catholic Church, her teachings, dogmas, doctrines the like, are struggling with moral issues, or just want to learn more about the faith, I'm here for you. Some of my best experiences as campus minister are sitting in the student center living room, and chatting over tea or coffee with students who just drop by to explore our rich faith with me. I'm not saying I have all the answers; but I can offer to help find them with you. I'm generally in my office during the week, though I am occasionally pulled away for a meeting or other obligation. I'm easy to reach by phone or text message (828-508-0789), email or on Facebook. I'd love to talk with you!
God bless, and have a great week,

WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
Matthew Newsome, MTh, campus minister
(828)293-9374 | POB 2766, Cullowhee NC 28723