Many of you are members of our Facebook Group (and if you are not, you should join). Many students are my personal friends on Facebook, as well. (My policy is that I don't send any student a friend request, though I will happily accept a student who sends a request to me). I don't mind any student friending me if you want to get a glimpse into your campus minister's life (yes, it is just as exciting as you think it is). Of course, this means I get a glimpse into my students' lives, as well. And usually that's a pretty good, reaffirming thing. Sure, every now and then a student will use some language in a post that I'd rather not see them using, but that's pretty rare overall.
What I do see on occasion, and it always makes me cringe, is the acronym "FML." I don't have to tell you what it means, but the last two letters stand for "my life," and the first letter doesn't stand for "festoon." People use it to express frustration, maybe because they just broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend (which is always painful), or because they have roommate issues (who doesn't at least once in college?), or maybe feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork. Sometimes people just use it in a lighthearted way because something silly or embarrassing happened to them. I discovered a whole FML web site in which people are asked to post their embarrassing stories. One example was a young man who was partnered with a girl in his art class. They were asked to sketch each other, and he thought he was doing a pretty good job until he showed her his sketch and she said, "That's ok, I can't draw very well, either." To him, that was a FML moment.
But I hate to see anyone use this phrase, for any reason. Your life is a gift to you from God. God created us, each one of us, as a sheer act of love. He didn't have to make you, or me, but He did because He wants to share His life with us. God, the Almighty Creator, the Great "I Am" who is existence itself, is sustaining you in being at this very moment. If He ever stopped loving you, you would cease to be. The very fact that you have existence at all means you are sharing in God's life, which means you have your being within Him. Everything you have, you have from God. (And, might I point out, every student I have ever met has led a life far better than 99% of the human population that has ever been born).
So when I see a student post "FML," it feels like they are giving the finger to God. They are taking this precious gift of His and tossing it back in His face, not even saying, "Thank you," but "F*** you."
Now, before I hear from anyone saying, "But that's not how we mean it!" let me say I know that. I know that's not how you mean it. And that's my point. If you don't mean it, don't say it. Words are important. Don't believe me?
"No foul language should come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for needed edification, that it may impart grace to those who hear." Eph. 4:29"I tell you, on the day of judgment people will render an account for every careless word they speak." Matt. 12:36
These days we don't just need to worry about the words coming from our mouths, but also from our fingers, as we tweet, text, and type. In many ways these words are more enduring, as they don't fade away after we speak them. All I'm saying is words are powerful things. They are a tool we possess to convey truth and goodness, but they can also be used in pernicious ways. Use yours for uplifting one another, and giving thanks to God.
God bless!

WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
Matthew Newsome, MTh, campus minister
(828)293-9374 | POB 2766, Cullowhee NC 28723