Sunday, May 4, 2014

CCM Bulletin week of April 28

There must be always remaining in every person’s life some place for the singing of angels.
~ Howard Thurman

Catholic Campus Ministry is looking for crafters and artists to contribute items to a fundraiser next fall. At Eucharistic Congress, we always sell items at the diocesan CCM booth (often T-shirts and religious trinkets). This year we’d like to sell items made by students and our CCM supporters. If you like to make jewelry, throw pottery, sew, knit, crochet, quilt, paint, etc. then we’d love you to help out! You need to commit to making an item over the summer. I can get you more details—just contact me!


Karen Soos
Associate Chaplain and Catholic Campus Minister
Davidson College
Campus Box 7196
Davidson NC 28035
704. 894. 2423